Eat Greener in Hong Kong: Reduce Disposable Waste | 香港食得更環保:減少一次性廢物

Written by Bobby 撰寫人 Bobby

We all love our healthy salad and sandwich takeaways, especially during the pandemic! But, this introduces a serious impact to our environment.

From a study released by Greeners Action, the leading environmental non-profit organisation in Hong Kong, we are facing a “plastic disaster” where people in Hong Kong are consuming over 100 million pieces of single-use plastics items, while ordering takeaway. This is simply not sustainable.

How can we all eat greener, and find a more environmentally friendly way for our beloved takeaways?

我們都喜愛健康沙律和三文治外賣,尤其是在疫情期間! 但是,這給我們的環境帶來了嚴重的影響。

根據香港領先的環保環保團體綠領行動發布的一項研究,我們正面臨一場“塑料災難”,香港人在點外賣的同時消耗了超過1億件一次性塑料竹物件。 這根本不可持續。


From Jan Lun, Senior Project Officer from Greener Action, “People should build the habits to bring their own food containers to order takeaways, not only it can be more eco-friendly, but also more reassuring to have meals. The restaurants should not forget their responsibilities towards protecting the environment during the pandemic…

來自綠領行動高級項目主任倫嘉愉表示:“市民應建立自備器皿買外賣的習慣,除了環保亦更安心。 而食肆更應該在對抗疫情下不忘對環境的責任…

Discussing with the team at FOODBOX, GO GREENER is not just a slogan, but an action. Aside from always using biodegradable packaging, a few initiatives is already in place to support waste reduction. Signages across the shop has been installed to remind customers since 2019, and “Do you need cutlery” is intentionally defaulted to no in the current Member Pickup Portal.

與FOODBOX 與團隊討論,GO GREENER 不僅僅是一個口號,而是一種行動。 除了一直使用可降解的包裝,一些方案已在執行以支持減少廢物。 自 2019 年以來,每家店舖都安裝了告示牌以提醒顧客,並且在當前的會員自取平台中故意將“您需要餐具”默認為“否”。

I also heard there is an exciting campaign this winter… something different developed by the FOODBOX team, to keep your food warmer and help you reduce your waste!

Let’s work together to be more eco-friendly in the coming year. Stay tuned for more!

我還聽說今年冬天有一個讓人激動的活動... FOODBOX 團隊開發了不同的包裝,讓您的食物保持溫暖,並幫助您減少浪費!


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FOODBOX is the best salad, sandwich and hot food takeaway concept that helps you live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle in the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong.  Every award-winning, eco-friendly box is made fresh and to order, so your favourite salad, sandwich, or hot food boxes is always personalised... to you!

食得更環保。 食得更健康。 食得更新鮮。

FOODBOX是最好的沙律,三文治和熱食外賣概念,幫助您在香港的䌓囂中建立更健康、更可持續的生活方式。 因每個屢獲殊榮,環保餐盒都新鮮製作,您最喜愛的沙律、三文治或熱食一定充滿著你的個性!