Eat Fresher in Hong Kong: When To Grow Your Salad Vegetables | 香港食得更新鮮:什麼時候種植你的沙律蔬菜

Written by Bobby 撰寫人 Bobby

Do you know that Hong Kong’s soil and environment is suitable for to grow all types of vegetables? From the crunchy lettuce in your mesclun or Caesar salads, to juicy cherry tomatoes and ripe beetroots, autumn is the perfect time to sow.

This year, the weather has been either too hot or too wet ( The heat disrupts seedling growth and the rain induces root rot, delaying the usual sowing time this year. However, with the weather cooling from this week, this is the perfect time to get your garden going!

Of course, local organic farms are now buzzing with activities too. At AuLaw Organic Farm, excitement is in the air: “The sowing season this autumn is so busy. Every day, we plow new land, prepare soil, transplant seedling, cultivate and weed, etc. Soon, it will be the best time for vegetable production in Hong Kong during the peak season of autumn and winter!”

This autumn, stay tuned to FOODBOX’s own growing programs and offerings in partnership with AuLaw Organic Farm. As part of our Eat Fresher initiative, get ready to be inspired to learn and grow your own farm-to-table salad vegetables!

你知道香港的土壤和環境適合種植各種蔬菜嗎? 從您的 的 Mesclun 或凱撒沙律菜底中的鬆脆生菜,到多汁的櫻桃番茄和成熟的紅菜頭,秋天是播種的最佳時機。

今年天氣太熱太濕(天氣/814296/天文台今錄35-9度再破歷來9月最熱紀錄-料酷熱乾燥持續至下周一)。 高溫會破壞幼苗的生長,雨水亦會導致根部腐爛,推遲了今年通常的播種時間。 然而,隨著本週天氣變冷,這是讓您的花園運轉起來的最佳時機!

當然,當地的有機農場現在也熱鬧非凡。 在歐羅有機農場,空氣中瀰漫著興奮:「秋播依段時間勁忙,每日就係開田,整地,移苗,中耕除草等等。不過好快就可以迎接秋冬旺季,係香港蔬菜生產既最佳時間!」

今年秋天,請繼續關注 FOODBOX 與歐羅有機農場合作推出的自家種植計劃和產品。 作為我們今年“食得更新鮮”的計劃的一部分,準備好一起受啟發,學習和種植自己從農場到餐桌的沙律蔬菜吧!


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FOODBOX is the best salad, sandwich and hot food takeaway concept that helps you live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle in the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong.  Every award-winning, eco-friendly box is made fresh and to order, so your favourite salad, sandwich, or hot food boxes is always personalised... to you!

食得更環保。 食得更健康。 食得更新鮮。

FOODBOX是最好的沙律,三文治和熱食外賣概念,幫助您在香港的䌓囂中建立更健康、更可持續的生活方式。 因每個屢獲殊榮,環保餐盒都新鮮製作,您最喜愛的沙律、三文治或熱食一定充滿著你的個性!