Eat Healthier in Hong Kong: Best Salads and Sandwiches 2022 | 香港食得更健康:2022年沙律三文治推介

Written by Bobby 撰寫人 Bobby

As part of my wellness journey, this saying rings true. “You are what you eat!” Wellness always starts with a healthy meal. ❤️

How do you decide which salad or sandwich to go for every day? Look… Taste... Toppings… Nutrition… Mood… Cravings… no matter what it is, the key is always the dish that makes your feel happy and well.

From our growing wellness community, we have tallied what everyone loved in the first half of 2022! Let us inspire you with our most loved salad and sandwich as you close 2022 strong with your healthy resolutions!

在我的健康之旅,這句話聽起來最真實。 "健康生活從你的飲食開始。" ❤️

你如何決定每天吃哪款沙律或三文治? 觀感…味道…配料…營養…心情…渴望… 關鍵始終是讓您感到快樂和幸福的菜式。


Most Popular Salad 最受歡迎沙律

Grilled Chicken Salad 烤雞肉沙律

Mesclun mix, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, feta cheese, red onions.

Energy (Kcal) 能量 (千卡): 420 | Protein (g) 蛋白質 (克): 56 | Carbs (g) 碳水化合物 (克): 20


Most Popular Sandwich 最受歡迎三文治

Grilled Chicken Sandwich 烤雞肉三文治

Grilled chicken breast, bacon, sliced tomatoes, lettuce lollo rosso, avocado mayonnaise
with cracked black pepper. Best paired with farmer bread.

Energy (Kcal) 能量 (千卡): 792 | Protein (g) 蛋白質 (克): 53 | Carbs (g) 碳水化合物 (克): 6


Most Popular Vegetarian Option 最受歡迎的素食之選

Beetroot & Chickpea Salad 紅菜頭鷹嘴豆沙律

Mesclun mix, beetroot, chickpeas, pine nuts, cucumbers, feta cheese, rocket leaves.

Energy (Kcal) 能量 (千卡): 432 | Protein (g) 蛋白質 (克): 19 | Carbs (g) 碳水化合物 (克): 35


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FOODBOX is the best salad, sandwich and hot food takeaway concept that helps you live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle in the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong.  Every award-winning, eco-friendly box is made fresh and to order, so your favourite salad, sandwich, or hot food boxes is always personalised... to you!

食得更環保。 食得更健康。 食得更新鮮。

FOODBOX是最好的沙律,三文治和熱食外賣概念,幫助您在香港的䌓囂中建立更健康、更可持續的生活方式。 因每個屢獲殊榮,環保餐盒都新鮮製作,您最喜愛的沙律、三文治或熱食一定充滿著你的個性!