Written by Bobby 撰寫人 Bobby
Thanksgiving, Winter Solstice, Christmas, New Year Eve… the end of the year has always been a time to gather and celebrate with friends, family, and colleagues. What’s the best way to deepen connections and have a great time while having some fresh, wholesome food?
感恩節、冬至節、聖誕節、除夕……年末一直是與朋友、家人和同事相聚慶祝的時刻。 在享用新鮮,健康的食物的同時,加深聯繫並享受美好時光的最佳方式是什麼?
FOODBOX’s co-founder Sammi has been supporting organisations, corporates, and families curate their gatherings and events for more than 10 years. Below are a 3 tips and tricks to help you and your group you can use to help you make everything easier!
10 多年來,FOODBOX 創始人之一 Sammi 一直在支持團體、企業和家庭策劃他們的聚會和活動。 以下是幫助您和您的團隊的 3 個小貼士,您可以使用它們來幫助您使一切變得更輕鬆!
Tip #1:
Know your guests 了解你的嘉賓
The group dynamic is the key! This determines the food you serve, the way you serve, and the order you serve it in. Cared for? Joyful? Easy? How would you like your guests to feel, and what arrangements are necessary to have them feel that way?
團體動態是關鍵! 這會決定您提供的食物、用餐的方式以及菜單的順序! 被關心的? 快樂的? 簡單的?你希望客人有什麼感覺,需要什麼樣的安排才能讓他們有這種感覺?
Tip #2:
Understand the venue 了解場地
Imagine a conference of 150 financial professionals compared to 30 weekend junk boat trip guests. The former may prefer tidy executive box sandwiches or salads in an indoor environment, while the latter may look for finger foods on a sharing platter due to the casual nature of the boating experience! So how do you visualise the food and venue blend together?
想像一下有 150 名金融專業人士參加的會議與 30 名周末乘坐遊艇旅行的客人相比。 前者或更喜歡室內環境中整潔的行政盒裝三文治或沙律,而後者可能會因為船上遊玩的隨意性而在共享拼盤上食物! 那麼你如何想像食物和場地融合在一起?
Tip #3:
Preferences or Allergies? 偏好或過敏?
By knowing your guests and understanding the venue, you are well on your way! However, there is one huge pitfall if you are not careful. Remember to ask your guests for any meal preferences or allergies. There is nothing worse than having a perfectly planned group meal, that your guests cannot enjoy due to their dietary requirements!
通過了解您的客人和場地,所有都萬無一失了! 但是,如果一不小心,就會陷入一個巨大的陷阱。 記得詢問您的客人是否有任何飲食偏好或過敏史。 再完美的團體餐計劃,都有可能被您客人的特別飲食要求而搞亂的!
Giving is good for your health.
Share your journey to inspire others in the community!
Email community@foodbox.hk and share with us.
發送電子郵件至 community@foodbox.hk,並與我們分享。
FOODBOX is the best salad, sandwich and hot food takeaway concept that helps you live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle in the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong. Every award-winning, eco-friendly box is made fresh and to order, so your favourite salad, sandwich, or hot food boxes is always personalised... to you!
食得更環保。 食得更健康。 食得更新鮮。
FOODBOX是最好的沙律,三文治和熱食外賣概念,幫助您在香港的䌓囂中建立更健康、更可持續的生活方式。 因每個屢獲殊榮,環保餐盒都新鮮製作,您最喜愛的沙律、三文治或熱食一定充滿著你的個性!