Diabetes mellitus is a type of metabolic syndrome characterized by an increased level of blood glucose level caused from the lack of insulin secretion, lack of response to insulin, or both. FOODBOX understand the common severity of diabetes mellitus, therefore we want more people to know about this common disease.
糖尿病是一種身體新陳代謝機制中會出現的問題,而患者的血糖通常會比平常人高。而導致血糖升高有兩類原因,一為身體無法制造胰島素,二為身體細胞無法對胰島素造成反應。FOODBOX 也清楚糖尿病是香港人非常常見的疾病,因此希望可以令更多人認識及提早避免糖尿病的出現。